Library Building and Services

Library Building and Services


About the Building

Opened in 1969, the 67,000 square foot 3-story building has stack capacity of 190,000 volumes. It was named in honor of the benefactor Frank E. Gannett, founder of the Gannett media corporation.

Study and research accommodations for nearly 400 patrons are provided, with individual carrels and table seating (including lounge/reading areas), five enclosed study spaces, and a Learning Commons area on the first floor.

The Library has more than 75 computer workstations and a collection of circulating laptops with full network access by username log-in.

Code of Conduct

Library Code of Conduct (PDF)
To support scholarly activity and comfort in our space, the Library's expectations for all users is outlined in the above document.

Study Rooms

Group Study Room Policy (PDF)

Group study rooms are for the exclusive use of Utica University students for academic purposes. Because these study rooms are in high demand, they are not available for faculty, classes, or other group use.

All rooms must be signed out at the Circulation Desk and require a valid Utica University Student ID.

The five study rooms can be reserved up to seven days in advance by groups of 2 or more registered students. When not reserved, they are available for on-demand sign-out by Utica University students only. To reserve a group study room, call 792-3041 or stop by the Circulation Desk.

Library staff reserve the right to refuse or limit the use of the group study rooms.


  • First floor restrooms are behind the Reference area. The first floor restrooms are all-gender and ADA accessible
  • Second floor restrooms are behind the Edmonds Room

Photocopiers & Microform Reader/Printers

Two photocopiers are available on the first floor of the library. 

  • 1 coin operated black and white photocopier for public use (change is available at the circulation desk)
  • 1 multi-function color printer/copier/scanner for student/faculty/staff use (UC ID is required)

Two microform reader/printers are available in the microforms area on the first floor of the library


The elevator serves the Library and the Library Concourse.

Use of the elevator requires a key, which is available at the Circulation Desk.

The Library Concourse level also includes the IITS Help Desk, Computer Labs and the Art Gallery.

Handicap Accessibility

  • The Library's front entrance off the plaza is handicap accessible
  • Accessible restrooms are on the first floor
  • The Library building is accessible using an elevator (See Elevator above for more information)   

Lost & Found

Items of value (backpacks/book bags, laptops and handheld devices, purses, phones, keys, wallets, coats, etc.) are immediately sent to the College Lost & Found located in the Office of Campus Safety.

Other items are kept at the Circulation Desk for one semester and then sent to Lost & Found located in the Office of Campus Safety.

Contact Us

Frank E. Gannett Library

Frank E. Gannett Library

1600 Burrstone Road
Utica, NY 13502-4892
(315) 792-3041
(315) 792-3361 (fax)

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